
Guarding Hands

GHL have a wide range of services available, which meet the needs of individuals who require assistance.We also provide help to our clients with basic day to day functions e.g. paying bills, shopping and more importantly companionship.

  • 24-hour Skilled Nursing Care
  • Our specialised care team has the benefits of better communication & flexibility.
  • All our staff are regularly updated with training sessions.
GHL is a domiciliary care organisation which supports their clients with care in their own homes. We provide care across the West Midlands and our focus is on quality of care.

At GHL we make sure that every patient is treated with compassion and respect. We have team of trained staff. Our staff will be provided with training to support service users with personal care and regular training updates will be provided to ensure they maintain their knowledge in line with regulatory standards.

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Personal Care

Personal care is helping with functions such as bathing, showering, hair washing, shaving, brushing your teeth, and nail care...

Domiciliary Care

Service user can take advantage of the services while staying in their home environment.

Social Companionship

We provide support on the social and emotional well-being for people who are feeling isolated or lonely.

Night Care

We offer assisting with personal care ensuring you have a safe night's sleep.

Palliative Care

We manage people who have issues with psychological, social and spiritual support to family or carers.

Shopping Calls

We help our clients with daily tasks such groceries, salon, pharmacy etc.

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Our Care Homes & Activities

Domiciliary care

Service user can take advantage of the services while staying in their home environment.

Social Companionship

We provide support on the social and emotional well-being for people who are feeling isolated or lonely.

Night Care

We offer assisting with personal care ensuring you have a safe night's sleep.

Personal Care

Personal care is helping with functions such as bathing, showering, hair washing, shaving, brushing your teeth, and nail care.

Palliative Care

We manage people who have issues with psychological, social and spiritual support to family or carers.

Shopping Calls

We help our clients with daily tasks such groceries, salon, pharmacy etc.